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New Hampshire Drug Statistics and Facts

  • Almost 40 percent of New Hampshire teens, had alcohol in the past month, and 40 percent of high school seniors reported binge drinking in the last month.
  • According to the latest news from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations, the number of alcohol and drug rehabs has decreased, in New Hampshire from 1992 to 2006, from 64 to 57. Despite the reality, the number of persons admitted for addiction treatment for alcohol and drugs increased to 6,234 in 2010.
  • Overall rates of addiction on alcohol, in New Hampshire, have commonly remained among the highest in the country since 2002.
  • Overall rates of addiction on alcohol in New, Hampshire, have usually remained among the highest in the country since 2002.
  • In 2008, New Hampshire was among the top 10 states for monthly use of illegal drugs.
  • Almost 14 percent of high school freshmen in New Hampshire have sniffed sprays, aerosols, or glue at least once.
  • About 25 percent of teens report using Marijuana in the last month, in New Hampshire.
  • In 1995, 6% of New Hampshire teens reported that they had tried Marijuana before they turned 13; 8 years later, that rate had nearly doubled, to 11%.
  • In New Hampshire, 1,636 person were admitted for alcohol treatment, in 2010 for alcohol as a main addiction. An additional 1,166 persons were admitted to treatment for using alcohol mixed with a secondary drug.
  • During 2010, 424 New Hampshire people were admitted to drug rehabilitation for Cocaine addiction whether smoking it or using it by other means of ingestion.
  • In 2010, the number of persons, in New Hampshire, that entered drug rehabilitation for Heroin use reached 907. Of that number, 57.9 percent were male, and 42.1 percent were female. The largest age group in treatment during 2010 for using Heroin was 21 to 25 year olds.
  • Marijuana abuse in New Hampshire has been found to have a Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content of excess of 22 percent making it extremely powerful. In 2009, 26 percent of New Hampshire residents reported using Marijuana at least once a month.
  • In 2010, there were 1,146 New Hampshire people admitted for prescription drugs.
  • Prescription drugs including Opiates were the leading cause of people seeking treatment in New Hampshire, followed by Heroin and Marijuana.
  • There were 52 arrest due to drugs, in New Hampshire in 2007.
  • In New Hampshire, 187 people died as a consequence of drug use, in 2008, compared with 138 from car accidents and 78 from firearms.
  • In 2009, authorities confiscated and eradicated more than 1,400 cultivated Marijuana plants in New Hampshire.
  • About 10 percent of teens report using prescription drugs illegally in the previous month, and 20 percent has tried it.
  • Almost 7 percent of New Hampshire adolescents have used Ecstasy at least once.
  • Methamphetamine is a growing problem in New Hampshire. Over an eighteen month period beginning in 2004, 12 of the 18 Meth laboratories that were confiscated by law enforcement in New England were located in New Hampshire, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration.